Success story

The Canadian Automobile Association is one of the most trusted, coveted brands in Canada.

So, when they wanted to move into the consultation fast lane, they rode with Publivate. The CAA wanted to focus on a few areas where they felt that they could improve customer satisfaction. They also wanted to be progressive in their choice of consultation solutions.

Ultimately, CAA chose Publivate. We provided them with an online consultation solution that was powerful, flexible and economical. The CAA was able to work with Publivate to quickly make the minor modifications they needed to ensure their success.

Importantly, Publivate also supported CAA in designing their engagement methodology not simply in providing them with a “tool” and no support structure and expertise beyond that. PubliVate takes great pride in its broad understanding and experience in online consultations, bringing that forward for the benefit of every partner like CAA.

The results were significant in both recruiting and in participation. With a simple, smart recruiting strategy, CAA ConVersations was able to recruit over 34% of the individuals that were approached online. This provided CAA with both the quantity and demographic and geographic dispersion it was looking for.

The CAA had five core issues they wanted the participants to collaborate on, not just respond to individually. They were highly successful with almost 200 Reactions across the five issues. Equally, each issue - over a short period of time - elicited a number of replies and comments from participants on what their fellow participants were saying. Capping off the interactions, the participants combined for 152 ratings of ideas and insights submitted, providing clear priorities from their perspective for the CAA.

The Publivate team was very pleased with the outcome as a first time exercise and knows that they can continue to bring even deeper value to CAA on an ongoing basis.

For us the timing was right to try to take advantage of the online consultation and research solutions that PubliVate has. We weren’t disappointed.

- Jennifer Birch, CAA Manager for ConVersations Dialogue

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April 16th, 2020

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Success story

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